The Baltic Sea Region (BSR) has outstanding cultural and creative life, where culture and creative industries contribute substantially to society and economy. UrbCulturalPlaningwill explore how region’s dynamic sector of creativity and innovation can be applied to urban social development.
The Interreg Baltic Sea Region project UrbCulturalPlanning was launched on the first week of February 2019 in Riga with the Danish Cultural Institute as the Lead Partner welcoming the project partners. This is the result of five years of initial preparation work done by the involved parties.
BSR demonstrator projects
Here you can find a poster about the Interreg project UrbCulturalPlaning in german language.
will bring together cultural planning practitioners, artists, relevant policy makers and stakeholders, regional and city planners, culture departments, funders, NGOs and media in Kiel, Gdansk and Riga. Other activities include gamification to use the innovative ideas of children and youth.
will be organized to adapt cultural planning methods for wider use in the BSR including topics of cultural mapping, cultural visioning, stimulating local social innovation, creative bureaucracies and other.
will be created in neighborhoods in cities or in towns in rural areas in 7 of partnering countries. The BSR demonstrator projects will address challenges such as shrinking cities, social inclusion, gentrification, use of green or blue resources, lack of community life, stigmatization, conflicts etc.
We will collect methods of cultural planning in a toolkit and provide mentoring on the use of it. We will create a website sharing knowledge online and establish hubs of excellence to continue the project efforts after the end of it.
Website will be created sharing knowledge in several languages online and hubs of experienced specialists will be established and will continue the project efforts after the end of the project life.
partner organizations
associated organizations